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ABI Electronics joins the Alamys group




ABI Electronics is proud to announce that it is now an associate member of the Alamys group. Alamys is the association of companies in Latin America covering the underground and railway industry. This association means that ABI Electronics has been recognised as an industry leader for its products and solutions in the field of test and measurement.


Alamys and ABI Electronics

This association means that Alamys will be able to benefit from ABI's experience in the domains of test, measurement, maintenance and repair. ABI equipment is already widely used in the railway sector, particularly at Metro Sao Paulo in Brasil, which enables ABI to offer and tailor its solutions to meet the demands of the industry.


What is Alamys ?

Alamys was founded on the 27th of November 1986 as an agreement between the companies in Latin America and the Iberian peninsula dealing with metropolitan rail systems and other companies with associated activities. Alamys came from a common desire to share concerns and experience in the railway industry.


Alamys' agenda is very clear: to exchange and share technical expertise among members to help increase productivity, optimise resources and modernise infrastructure and management methods. The ultimate aim is to improve customer services which is one of the major factors that affect the quality of life in cities.


Further information is available on the Alamys website here.